Struggling to get your marketing systems up and running on HighLevel?
Let's change that.

I help you swap the frustration with excitement by working with you to get your tech and automations set up—because you deserve systems that work as hard as you do, even when you’re offline.

I just want to get more clients without spending all day in front of the computer. I want people to find my content, get on to my email list, get to know, like and trust me and then buy from me—even when I’m offline.

I don't want to constantly have to check my inbox, respond to DM's, post on social media every day, or feel like 'if I don't constantly work on my business, I won't make any money'.

I'm blooming exhausted!

- Every business owner without systems in place

Platforms I specialise in:

Feels familiar?

You dream of a business where sales happen consistently and on auto-pilot, and you knew it would be a lot of work setting everything up, ...but:

...becoming a tech expert was not the reason you decided to start your own business.

Yet, here you are, spending days in sheer frustration trying to juggle the million things you need to do to automate your business, while also keeping your business afloat.

Sure, you got a VA, and they're awesome, but they can't help with this stuff (because they're not tech experts either).

...and you certainly didn't leave your 9-5 because you wanted to work more.

If you're honest with yourself, you've never worked this much in your life (and you easily clocked in 50-60 hours in your corporate job, so you're certainly not a stranger to hard work - but you left corporate so you can have more time with your family, more freedom to work when you want to work - not to be chained to your laptop when everyone else is in the other room relaxing and are having fun)., you're not even sure your process is effective (you're not seeing consistent sales, that's for damn sure).

Each morning, you check your phone, hoping for a sale notification, but instead, a new wave of doubts washes over you; am I doing it right? Is my sign-up page working? Are they getting my emails? Why is nobody buying? Sure, you want an automated business, but will you just be putting ineffective processes on autopilot? The thought of investing time and money into automating something you’re not even sure is working makes you stuck in a cycle of inaction and worry.

Feeling like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, huh?

I totally get it!

On one hand, you want to automate your business so that you don't have to be online all the time, and still hear the consistent 'cha-ching' on your phone.

On the other hand, the thought of figuring all this tech stuff out makes you want to curl up in a ball and forget about the whole thing. And hurl your laptop across the room!

Please don't throw your laptop!

You don’t have to do this alone—whether you need a bit of guidance or want me to take over, together we can make your business run smoothly without all of this tech stress.

Alright, laptop crisis averted. Here are ways we can work together to turn your business into the well-oiled machine you dream about:



Get your automations up and running fast

If you like doing it yourself but want clear steps to follow, the pre-designed automations is your best bet. With over-the-shoulder instructions, and email templates with AI prompts, you can set everything up fast—no guesswork, no stress.


Take tech tasks off your to-do list (put them on mine)

If you’d rather not deal with specific tech tasks, you can hand it over to me. Whether you just need an hour here and there, want me on speed dial, or want to offload all of it—I got you!



I'll get your Customer Journeys optimised

If you’re ready to take your customer journeys to the next level, I’ll help you map out your entire customer journey from start to finish—strategically creating every step to ensure your systems are doing the heavy lifting.

Let’s chat about what’s best for your business!

Hey there,

I'm Petra, and I did become a tech expert.

I'm Petra, passionate obsessed about creating great experiences, and I'm here to help.

As an introvert, I know all about the gut-wrenching feeling of 'having' to be visible online when it's not in your nature to wanna be the centre of attention, and the overwhelm that comes with succeeding to attract a following (because now you have to nurture them).

And I also know all about the need of conserving your energy and to allow for the 'hermit' periods that you can't really plan for. IYKYK. :)

When I started my first business as a career coach (after spending two decades improving systems and operations in the corporate world), I struggled with all this.

That’s why I dove deep into learning everything I could about marketing, SEO, conversion copywriting, and automations. I knew I needed systems that could do the hard work for me—systems that would bring in clients and sales consistently, without me being glued to my laptop 24/7.

There's one tool that has been a real game-changer - HighLevel, and now, as a certified admin, I help creative business owners like you with tech automation strategy and implementation, so you too can have consistent sales without feeling forced to always be 'on'. You deserve systems that give you predictability, control, and the freedom to step back when you need to.

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